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Twenty Eight years in education .
A million ways of creating new future.

About the College

Founded in 1994, Muthayammal College of Arts & Science has emerged as an institution of fine learning. The basic tenets of education that govern the college are embodied in the words "education for all". In the years since its inception, thousands of rural students have been able to explore better career options and achieve high degrees of success.

The college is located on a sprawling campus that makes for a quiet learning environment. Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem, Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade, approved by DBT for STAR college Scheme, Recognized by UGC Under Section 2(f) & 12(B). It is an Autonomous self financing co-educational institution and offers a total of 21 Undergraduate, 10 Post Graduate and 5 Ph.D Research Programmes in Various disciplines.

Care is taken to ensure that infrastructure facilities compare to the best in the industry. A proactive management and a team of highly dedicated faculty ensure that learning at Muthayammal Institutions is a difference. Importance is placed on all round development and students are encouraged to pursue creative interests.

College is ranked 125th among top 186 science colleges in India by India Today Ranking(MDRA).