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To redefine the scope of higher education by infusing into each of our pursuits, initiatives that will encourage intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual growth, thereby nurturing a generation of committed, knowledgeable and socially responsible citizens.


  • To Ensure State of the world learning experience
  • To espouse value based Education
  • To empower rural education
  • To instill the spirit of entrepreneurship and enterprise
  • To create a resource pool of socially responsible world citizens


Muthayammal College of Arts & Science was established in the year 1994. It is an autonomous institution, affiliated to Periyar University, Salem& Accredited by NAAC with 'A' grade. It not only caters to the need of Rasipuram and neighbouring areas but also draws a good number of students from the neighbouring states of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka.

The Management takes every possible step to provide standard education coupled with discipline. Well-furnished class rooms, laboratories with the latest apparatus and equipment’s to suit the needs of new syllabi, a library with 26,551 volumes and as many as 80 research journals and magazines, make this institution an excellent centre for learning. Our ultra-modern computer laboratories make the computer-based education easy, interesting and valuable. Besides education, the students are encouraged to take active part in games and sports. A vast playground within our campus facilitates to achieve this aim.

Prof.S.Palaniappan, M.Sc., FCIB., was the first Principal from 1994-2002. His untiring care for eight long years was largely responsible for the growth and development of the institution from its infancy. He was succeeded by Dr.M.Sundararajan, M.Sc., Ph.D., who assumed office as Principal On 1-6-02 He was retired on 31-5-09. During his tenure the college grew further, offering 17 programmes at UG level and 14 at PG level. National level / State level seminars workshops, guest lecturers etc., have become order of the day. Research Facilities leading to M.Phil., and Ph.D., degrees have been made available in 5 Ph.D departments via Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry and Commerce. The number of students has steadily increased and at the end of the academic year 2008-2009 it, crossed 3500 mark. Dr.C.Narayanan Nadar, M.A.,B.G.L.,M.Phil.,Ph.D., Assumed charge as Principal on 1-6-09. In the field of Arts & Science, special emphasis is given to emerging disciplines such as Biotechnology, Hotel Management, Fashion Technology and related fields.

Dr. R. Selvakumaran, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assumed charge as Principal on 7-2-2011.

During his time, Our College moved into the next stage of evolution. The college has obtained the NAAC "A" certification and the NIRF rank. In addition, Our College has been awarded the DBT STAR college scheme and DST - FIST Program for Research Development. College has initiated cells and club activities for improving the knowledge and skills of students and faculty. The college has signed a memorandum of understanding with industry with respect to internships and student employment opportunities.

Dr.S.P.Vijeikumar, M.Sc., Ph.D., Assumed charge as Principal on 21-2-2020

At present, the college has achieved autonomous status and the extension of the NAAC with an "A" grade until 2026