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MCAS Library was established in 1994.It has 26,551 volumes of text and reference books on various disciplines. The library subscribes 80 National and International journals and 07 leading Newspapers. The library is following the open access system and provides its service to meet the requirements of P.G.Students, M.Phil. and Ph.D. scholars and staff members of the College. College Library has various sections such as Reference Section, Text book Section, Back Volumes Section, Periodicals Section, Question Banks etc.

Care is taken to ensure that infrastructure facilities compare to the best in the industry. A proactive management and a team of highly dedicated faculty ensure that learning at Muthayammal Institutions is a difference. Importance is placed on all round development and students are encouraged to pursue creative interests.

College is ranked 125th among top 186 science colleges in India by India Today Ranking(MDRA).