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There are eighteen academic departments in the Institute. The institute offers 21 Under Graduates, 10 Post Graduates and 5 Ph.D Research Programmes through the respective departments.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Applicable to I year UG & PG Students)

As per the order of the Director of Collegiate Education from the academic year 2008-2009, Choice Based Credit System is to be followed. Therefore, the first year UG and PG students come under the CBCS system. In this system marks will be awarded as per the following schedule.

Distribution of Marks between Theory and Internal Assessment- 75:25, Practicals- 60:40

As for as the Second & Third year UG and Second Year PG are concerned, there is no change in the system.

Medium of Instruction - English

Each U.G. course of study consists of the following - (i) Foundation Courses (ii) Core Subjects & (iii) Application Oriented Subjects

The foundation courses comprise the study of (a) any one of the following languages-Tamil or Hindi or Malayalam or Sanskrit or Telugu or French (b) English.
