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Extra Curricular Activities

  • Taking students to other college competition (Essay, Poem writing, Speech, Singing etc.,)
  • Our cell organizing the ‘Vanetra Vaibhav’ inter-collegiate cultural fest programme.
  • Management honour the prize winners of our student’s competitor from other college competition through ‘Achiever’s Gallery’.
  • Dance & Music clubs are running under the control of co-curricular activities. Professional trainers are arranged by the Management for training the students in cultural activities

Dance club

To encourage participation in dance events irrespective of the student's degree of talent, an exclusive dance master has been appointed. The students who have enrolled in the club are enthusiastic in attending the training session conducted during the weekend days.

Music club

To identify and encourage the music talent among the students, music club has been inaugurated at our institution. The students who have enrolled in this clubs are encouraged for competitive participation in various music based internal external events. An exclusive musician is appointed to handle the music classes during the weekend days.

Apart from club activities, students are encouraged to participate in various fine arts activities as follows:

Pyramid Show: to perform acrobatic formation of pyramid

Miming: to convey lofty messages to the society.

Fashion Show: to showcase the trendy line of clothing/accessories at the time of cultural Events.

Debate Show: to bring to light the augmentative and language skills of the students.

Co-ordinator: Mrs.S.Deepa
Assistant Professor,
Department of Tamil


The National Service Scheme (NSS) of MCAS has 600 volunteers. NSS Units are a source of strength to MCAS. NSS volunteers are involved in literacy programmes, health and hygiene, community services, village re-construction, mass tree planting, environmental protection and social awareness programmes.

Asset Creation: As on date, the NSS volunteers both in special camp and regular activities have generated tangible social assets like check dams, water tanks, bus shelters, desilting of canals and ponds, white washing of school building, sanitary latrines etc. Over 300 NSS Volunteers donated blood to sick persons.

Adoption of Villages: Under NSS Special Camping programmes, so far, various villages have been adopted by the NSS unit and the villages were taught awareness about Health and Hygiene, the importance of girl child education, women development, self help group, skill development, etc. Communal harmony has been emphasigned in villages. Various Government Welfare Programmes are being made known to the poor villagers who are helped in getting government help.


To protect human life and uphold dignity among student youth, MCAS has started Youth Red Cross Society (YRC) unit. The YRC volunteers are involved in Organizing Blood Donation Camps, "Aids Awareness Campaign", First-Aid Training Programmes and other health and family welfare related programmes.