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Muthayammal Centre for Advanced Research (MCAR)

Head of the Centre

Dr. N. Sudhakar, M. Sc., Ph. D., (IUSSTF Fellow)

Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology


Dr. N. Sudha, M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Dr. M. Maghimaa, M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Dr.S.Anbalagan, M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D., Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology

Dr. K. Sangeetha, M. Sc., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. R. Vijayakumar, M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

Dr. Raghu Chandrasekaran, M.S., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology

Dr. G. Krishnamoorthy, M. Sc., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry

Dr. P. Sathya, M. Sc., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics

Dr. P. Kavitha, MCA., M. Phil., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Application

Adjunct Faculties

Dr.Arulselvan Palanisamy, Institute of Bioscience, Universitie PUTRA Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia.

Dr. Nagendra Prasad, Ph.D., 41A Gilba road, Girraween, NSW 2145, Phone: (Mobile) (61) 425 346 220 .

Dr. B.Ravindran, Research Professor, Department of Environmental Energy & System Eng., Kyonggi University, 154-42, Gwangyosan-Ro, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea, 443-760

External Advisor

Dr. R. Rajendran,
Professor of Microbiology, PSG college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore -14.

Completed Funded Research Projects:

S.No Name of the Investigator Title of the project and Duration Amount sanctioned Funding Agency
1 Dr. N. Sudhakar Identification and functional analysis of phosphorylation as a recognition tag for SCFCOI1 dependent degradation of JAZ proteins in regulating Jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Duration (2013-2016) Rs. 28,40,000 (Project file No. SB/FT/LS-390/2012 dated 3/07/2013) DST-SERB
2 Dr. M. Shabana Begum Consultancy Project (2015-17) Rs. 6,50,000 Private
3 Dr. M. Shabana Begum Socio Economic upliftment of people living in Kolli Hills through science and Technology. Duration (2013-2015) Rs. 2,74,000 Project file No. (TNSCST/S&T Project/SS/RJ/2012-2013) TNSCST
4 Dr. N. Sudhakar Foldscope: To elucidate how auxin produced by bacterium can play non-relevant role of phytostimulation and phytopathogenesis. (2018-19) Rs. 8,00,000 (Project file No. BT/IN/Indo-US/Foldscope/39/2015) DBT
5 Dr. M. Maghimaa Foldscope: Creating awareness among tribals and local community of kolli hills, tamil nadu in identification of pathogens and parasites from air, water and cattles. (2018-19) Rs. 8,00,000 (Project file No. BT/IN/Indo-US/Foldscope/39/2015) DBT
6 Dr. M. Shabana Begum DST Inspire Science Camp. Duration (2016-2017) Rs. 5,50,000 Project file No. (INSPIRE INTERNSHIP/6/2016-17/30) DST
7 Dr. G. Venkatesan Entrepreneurship Training programme for ST youth from Kolli Hills. Duration (2016-2017) Rs. 95,000 Project file No. RG/OFF CTP/DSE/2016/17 & 28.12.2016) RGNIYD
8 Dr. S. Shahitha National Commission for Women sponsored Legal Awareness programme – 2016 Rs. 1,00,395 /- NCW
9 Students Project Students Project (2016-17) Rs. 20,000 TNSCST
10 Mr. A. S. Syed Navaz DST-NIMAT Project 2017-18: Conducting EAC - Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) ARs. 20,000/- EDI/DST-NIMAT/17-18/EAC-18 DST-NIMAT
11 Dr. N. Sudhakar Consultancy Project –Scigen Pvt Ltd, Tanjore (2017-2018) Rs. 50,000 Scigen
12 Students Project Students Project (2017-18) Rs. 50,000 TNSCST
13 Dr. Nithiya Narayanan Host-Guest association of Organic Fluorophores with cyclodextrin coated CdTe Quantum Dots. Duration. (2017-2019) Rs. 1,70,000 Project file No. (F.No: 4- 4/2015-16(MRP/-SERO) UGC
14 Dr. A. Palanisamy Production of Biodiesel by Microalgae isolated from Paddy field soil. Duration (2017-2019) Rs. 1,35,000 Project file No. (F.No: 4- 4/2015-16(MRP/-SERO) UGC
15 Dr. N. Sudhakar STAR College Scheme Rs. 104,00,000 Project File No. BT/HRD/11/010/2018 DBT
16 Dr. G. Venkatesan Entrepreneurship Training programme for ST youth from Kolli Hills. Duration (2018-2019) Rs.3,00,000 ICSSR
17 Principal DST-FIST (2018) Rs. 40,00,000/- (Project File.No, SR/FST/College-012/2017) DST
18 Mr. A. S. Syed Navaz DST-NIMAT Project 2018-19: Conducting EAC - Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) Rs. 1,00,000/- EDI/DST-NIMAT/18-19/EAC-19 DST-NIMAT
19 Student project Student project (2018-19) -5 project Rs. 35,000 TNSCST
20 Dr. M. Maghimaa Phytoconstituents with hybrid gold nanoparticles as therapeutics to combat multidrug resistant bacterial bovine mastitis and wound in tribal areas of kolli hills. Rs. 4,20,000/- TNSCST/STP/PRG/AR/2018-19 TNSCST
21 Mr. A. S. Syed Navaz DST-NIMAT Project 2019-20: Conducting EAC - Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) Rs. 80,000/- EDI/DST-NIMAT/19-20/EAC-20 DST-NIMAT
22 N.Sudhakar Consultancy Project - LOTTE INDIA CORPORATION LIMITTED Rs. 52,628 LOTTE INDIA
23 Student project Student project (2019-20) - 2 project Rs. 15,000 TNSCST
24 Dr. S. Shahitha nservice training to science Teachers (2020-21) (Fund not yet received) Rs. 90,000 /- Project file No. TNSCST/INST/AR/2020-21) TNSCST
25 Dr. M. Shabana Begum Young Student Scientist Program (YSSP) (Fund not yet received) Rs. 3,00,000 Project file No. (TNSCST/YSSP/ VR/2017-2018/) TNSCST

MCAS Research Ethics and Biosafety Monitoring committee

Convener of the Committee

Dr. R. Selvakumaran,
Director - Academic,
Muthayammal College of Arts and Science,
Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu.

Members of the Committee

Dr. S. P. Vijei Kumar,
Muthayammal College of Arts and Science,
Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu.

Dr. N. Sudhakar,
Head, Muthayammal Centre for Advanced Research,
Muthayammal College of Arts and Science,
Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu.

Allied Cells of MCAR

Institution Innovation Cell (IIC)
Animal House
Industry Institution Interaction Cell (IIIC)
Green campus

Animal House

In the year 2010, an animal house was set up to give students learning in specialized areas. The institution has obtained ethical clearance (Reg.No. 1416/PO/Re/S/11/CPCSEA) from the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt. of India for the handling of small animals for research for education purpose. It is the first among institutions to obtain this feature in Periyar University, Salem.

"Bettering health care. With knowledge and skills."

Institutional Animal Ethics Committee

Designation Name
Chairperson Dr. S.P.Vijei Kumar
Member Secretary Dr. N.Suthakar
Biological Scientist Dr. S.Anbalagan
Biological Scientist Dr. G.Krishnamoorthy
Veterinarian Dr. S.Praveen

CPCSEA Members

  1. Dr. N.Murali
    Dept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding
    Veterinary College

  2. Dr. G.Vijayakumar
    Professor and Head
    Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine
    Veterinary College and Research Institute

  3. Dr. P.Thiruchenthil Nathan
    Associate Professor
    Dept. of Zoology
    School of Life Sciences
    Periyar University

  4. Dr. K.L.Senthilkumar
    Sri Vijay Vidyalaya College of Pharmacy
    Nallampalli (PO)

Industry Institution Interaction Cell (IIIC)

The current situation demands interaction between educational institutes and industry. The curriculum and the exposure of students to the industry environment will be greatly influenced by Industry Institute Interaction. A close contact between academics and industry is required during all stages of technological development, from conceptualization to commercialization. The Muthayammal College of Arts and Science's Industry Institute Interaction Cell was founded with the following goals in mind:

  • To develop close ties with industry
  • To encourage staff members and students to engage in a variety of industrial activities
  • To strengthen connections and support consulting and research that is appropriate for industry needs
  • To provide ongoing education to industry workers so they can advance their technical expertise and/or obtain higher degrees.

Campus Company:

As a major initiative, we have signed MOU with Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore in July-2022 to set up the facility in our campus. Currently, the company is running in temporary facility with seating capacity of 35 seats within the college premises.

Co-ordinator: Dr.R.Vijayakumar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics

Green Campus

Since the year 2019, MCAS has maintained a green campus. Medicinal gardens, Azolla cultivation, and compost making are done regularly. There are 97 varieties of medicinal plants, 3 Azolla cultivation bags and 3 pits for compost making using tree waste and vegetables are maintained throughout the year. The prepared compost are used as manure for medicinal plants and other trees in the campus.

Head: Dr.S.Anbalagan, Asst. professor, Dept. of Microbiology